Monday, January 21, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr.

I have a dream!

That people will get up, stand up, and push Martin Luther King Jr. dream farther. If you don't know what his dream was all about listen to this. Have you ever heard some one say do unto others as you want to be done. King's dream to me explains how to kept everything on a even basic for everyone in the world. We as people have the power to change the world view's. I mean why are we fighting each other for money when we are the ones that make it. To greedy or selfish, not even seeing the big picture or dream. The way we as a people live now, is not the American dream and not King's dream so who's dream is it? Maybe the White House dream!

I could sit here and type all the bad things I feel, see, and hear, happening on earth and in the world. But you and I know talk is cheap and only works get a job done. Martin Luther King Jr. life is push aside because we don't practice what he was really about. They killed him, to shut up a King's dream for his people. We, the people that were listening to King only have a part of the dream and no one strong enough to carry it on, can't you see their plan. The funny thing is time goes on and no one can stop time but god. I know you heard this before what goes around comes around. I said that to say this, there is a King dream chaser alive. It's a man that by all means necessary will win for his people no matter what race. In this life we will see King's dream come true. How I know, because I have a dream, I had a vision, and just like King we live forever. United under God we will be.

Martin Luther King Jr. happy birthday and your dream is alive with me. Tell god I said thank you ok. Bless!

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